Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Same 
  2. Thanks ? yeah I usually don’t post on forums so I suck at doing the whole coding stuff
  3. Uh, calm YOURSELF. LMAO! I wasn't even talking about you. I was actually making an honest statement about myself. But hey, if it struck a nerve.....
  4. Thelfie thread
  5. Over here casually drinking my grande Very Berry Hibiscus with pineapple infusion ? ? ?
  6. English only in forums plz
  7. “Plz”
  8. Plz yooz da inglish
  9. Go put some clothes on an eat a burger.
  10. Plz kizz my butoxx
  11. Go get a life and some therapy ?
  12. I mean if there’s potties maybe
  13. Lol says the one posting body shots for approval from strangers. Yikes.
  14. For approval? Wow, coming from a stranger who doesn’t know me.  Was proving a point about my angles. Anyways, get some help for your insecurities then come talk to me. ??
  15. Why do you gotta prove points about your angles?
  16. It’s easier to just go look through past pages but I’d avoid doing that if you don’t want a headache
  17. [​IMG]

    This is what I see when you females try oh-so hard to come at me over pictures  Only insecure try to put others down so obviously something is wrong with y’all if you guys are sitting there obsessing over my every move.
  18. Bold of you to assume gender in 2019
  19. Female?
  20. Well judging by their profiles, you’d assume ??‍♀️