Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Happ birth
  2. Some have them PHATTTT
  3. Uh uhm ... excuse you and thank you very much 

  4. Error 404: Asshol.e detected.
  5. Damn she really tryan show y’all she got ass
  6. felt green. Might bake a cake later.
  7. Damn right  don't spend hours in the gym so some lame ass can tell me my ass is lame 
  8. I applaud you?
  9. little booties matter !
  10. Butt like who cares what a body look like tho it’s a rp game unless y’all tryna irl ground pound ?

  11. I get to judge a bake off at work because 'Merica.
  12. I’m blown away by your good looks every time I swear ?
  13. I wanna judge a bake off
  14. Steal stuff for me k thx
  15. Just because you have an hole doesn't mean you got ass
  16. I could say the same thing about you ?
  17. It’s a not an
  18. Don't be a poes. Be lekka