Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. You dork fab shh.
  2. Lies. You are cute 100% of the time with and without 
  3. Underwhelming. I appreciate the effort ig
  4. I haven't been taking many selfies due too never looking half decent anymore. I'll try and find a semi recent one doe
  5. There was no effort. You need makeup. More.
  6. I donut like the way makeup feels on my face so I usually donut wear it
  7. Semi intoxicated rosie

  8. You’re actual perfection :’)
  9. Hm I see some resemblance its obvious he likes you

  10. K but I actually snorted my smoothie
  11. I thought i was gonna get roasted but here you are complimenting me. Such a sweetheart ?
  12. I can roast you.
  13. Gaaaah you're too adorable. Um. Your eyebrows are so even, I bet you paid to get them professionally done >:0 howssat for smack talk
  14. LMAAOOO. i do them myself. Honestly one goes way lower, like that part of my face has had a seizure or something and it drives me crazy.
  15. Bet
  16. awh ? definitely my cat
  18. Slay. ?? Wish I was drunk rn. Wait, I probably will by the end of the night.
  19. I thought the eyebrows were a dead giveaway.
  20. Gosh.. my beautiful Queen, I will be your servant for the rest of my days and then some. ?