Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Aw tysm️️

  2. Yes, I’m Ugly. Next. ?
  3. Can someone tell me I’m cute so I can have enough self confidence to post my selfie ;(
  4. Crickets.

    Kidding, you’re cute! Post all you want.
  5. I got banned for a month
  6. Youre not ugly. Have u seen Jaco?
  7. Omg
  8. THIS
  9. FIXED??

  10. hella cute ! ?
  11. Fooook, look at ur doggo??
  12. I'll be taking that puppy, tyvm. ?
  13. I'm drunk and I'm feeling down, and I just want to be alone,You shouldn't ever came around...Why don't you just go home?
    Nate likes this.
  14. You haven't seen me, gt fo. I don't care if you're gay, but go be obsessed with a different male. That lame, corny wps got old fast. You better stop before I have MiniMix take you behind the barn and teach you some learning
  15. I have seen you via someone who u sent your pic to.
  16. You're an idiot. I haven't sent my pic to anyone. People have seen me, either in person or via social media where it's live and not one person ss'ed. Therefore, you're lying like you always do for attention. I stay away from forums, but you, Alicia and BuwBuw keep bringing me up like a bunch of ho rny jawns. Is there not anyone else you could worry about?