Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1.  I'm not chinese
  2. Same.
  3. You look stunning in this pic
  4. There’s so many pretty peoples on this game. I can’t stand it ?
  5. "peoples"
  6. Gorgeous af marry me
  7. When you receive a compliment and all you do is criticize their grammar ? shame, rynn. Shame.
  8. I'm not a "peoples" tho. :c
  9. You are, accept it. Peoples is also a legit word in certain situations so der.
  10. O i googled peoples and i got directed to banks and credit unions. ty for caring for my financial situation, op.
  11. Here is a good example of how peoples is used, provided by an internet stranger.

  12. Yeah but you can't photograph a peoples.

    It's a concept.
  13. I wasn't being serious...
  14. quick someone post a pic b4 we get into a debate over a word
  15. I'll debate you over anything and everything k

  16. Praise My Dog.
  17. clean yo door.
  18. Nah
  19. Don't tell him what to do
  20. don't tell me what to not do.