Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Give me validation
  2. Sexy beast right there
  3. Thank you so much!!
  4. Give me the opposite of validation, unvalidation
  5. Ty I am validated
  6. You're beautiful.
  7. This guy 

  8. Last time I posted I got asked about my dog. ? I think she’s had one too many beers.
  9. :lol: love
  10. That's a lady dog? What is that bit that looks like balls?
  11. Lookin like a Halloween snaaaaac

  12. Posting for my friend bleach bc she needed help, not typing out her full ign bc she's a barcode lol.
  13. Ty??
  14. Fixed it I think loll,, you mad cute ?
  15. Fixed it❣❣
  16. Use imgfit not img blah blah remember next time
  17. big mood