Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Sush, baby.
  2. Confess now
  3. I hate rice
  4. Sike :roll: rice is my lifeline
  5. Too bad, you have already committed blasphemy.
  6. Forgive me ata for I have sinned ?
  7. K But uhm, you didn't invite me so you only get 10/10 instead of the usual 1000000/10.

  8. Pardon the quality its a combination of being late to school and having an Android :lol:
  9. But mostly having an android ?
  10. You’re so cringe loool
  11. Thats facts and what moffffyyyy havent seen you in a bit
  12. Idk if this is gonna work so prepare to roast me if i screw up 

    Alright hell ye it did work, pls excuse my non esistent selfie skills ?


  14. Love having red hair again ?
  15. Can someone tell me how to post a pic from a phone please
  17. Tried to fix, dead link? Idk