Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. Anybody else confused ? ?
  2. Also, if Ashley is in LA, and you're in Long Island, why is "he" flying to Orlando?
  4. I'm trying to figure out where she won in this situation?
  5. Hi Julie
  6. Let's see you unsung hero, post a pic.
  7. And Enrique
  8. I was in orlando
  9. So you all are just sitting there, refreshing the page every few seconds to comment?
  10. She didn't. He apparently wasn't great in bed anyways, but that's probably because she seems to be a loose screw. Js
  11. I can prove in real xD so troll away doesn't bother me
  12. Agreed, they jealous. :3
  13. Guilty?
  14. Pretty much... There's a new page every 2mins
  15. Is that you and Val? ?

  17. Yes it is
  18. Well...tbh some of us KNOW how to make photos untraceable..
    But I'm sleep tho :roll:
  19. Julie, Julie, Julie... Get back to Orlando
  20. That's cute  a couple that PimD's together, stays together.
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