I'm not saying you're lying, but on the balance of probabilities... That statement is unlike to be true: Vs But you know ... [/quote] That was like last year[/quote] And you still claim that you and your friend playing the guitar are 23...[/quote] IM 23 and the girl is my friend Stetsons little sister grace she's 16 I think..[/quote] So let me guess this straight so we have an honest understanding. You're your friends, twice removed, backdoor slop, who has pretty much circled the block about five times, now wait I feel like we're missing something. *Rubs chin* Got it, you're a community bicycle
Lemme finish this cup first, cause Julie think she got something on Ashley cause she "slept" with her exs
Want me to post a pic lol I ain't a chick, clearly was born with a very valuable object. Nor am I obscene or an idiot lying about who I am. Thanks for playing :3