Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. O, does Ashley know?
  2. That was like last year
  3. :lol:
  4. I'm confused some girl going around screwing everyone
  5. I can post the pics of his plane tickets
  6. Dammmmn! Roasting session. I'm calling dibs on the marshmallows!
  7. And you still claim that you and your friend playing the guitar are 23...
  8. Did you steal that pic from Ashley too?
  9. Can you link up with her on the popular business social networking site and see if she will come to the comedy roast?
  10. No just the guys friend, and his friends, their friends. Some very convenient friends getting distasteful pass around.
  11. Sure, why not.

    Adam is still waiting for a photo of you and his name
  12. No she doesn't know 
  13. So a friend screws a friend and another friend screws that friend but then the other friend screws another friend? ?
  14. Would you mind if a messaged her, if Wayne could so kindly send me her popular social network's account?
  15. No I didn't lol I said I know her ex.. I screwed him actually..[/quote]

    I'm not saying you're lying, but on the balance of probabilities... That statement is unlike to be true:


    But you know ...

    That was like last year[/quote]

    And you still claim that you and your friend playing the guitar are 23...[/quote]

    IM 23 and the girl is my friend Stetsons little sister grace  she's 16 I think..
  16. Oh hi Julie!
  17. Ashley gone TEAR THAT ASS UP!
  18. The tea kettle is about to break...ADAM! Buy 100 more kettles.

  19. o_O hes not her XD
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