Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  2. Its a 'new feature'
  3. He jelly
  4. Feature deez nutz.
  5. Not this too pie!!!
  6. It's killing the thread ? it's gonna make people not wanna post on it
  8. Aye..... AYE!

    Unless you're "new feature" got selfies.... go practice that crap on a different thread. Orrrrrr..... Go perfect it there and come back later to wow us all, k?
  9. Must post more to break pies magic
  11. God damn you all seriously
  12.  cholo damn it
  13. This guy, is my new bff omfg. Chicken wings ding dongs and mac and cheese- I seriously can not even think of anything else I want. Maybe a whole cheesecake. Oh oh, and those cheese puff thingies
    ......I'm hungry ?
  14. My pimd updated 
  15.  damn it
  16. Why u do dis
  17. I missed my 1337 post 
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