Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. Judging from the hire and weak ass convo opener on wall, who wants to bet Chill is now all up in that inbox?
  2. Yea he wouldnt ask for a follow back if not hehe
  3. Actually, I'm on YouTube looking at Aftermath: Population Zero. Interesting thing to watch seeing what would happen to this world after all humans are gone.
  4. that arm must make all the men swoon
  5. Change yo name to HaveYouSeenThisPhone
  6.  he seems truly interested in that shower curtain lol
  7. I'm so glad I found that rekt gif and posted it on here for y'all to use ?

  9. Happy pre-Halloween 
  10. Cheater :lol:
  11. I likey like
  12. I wonder if Owen will scream :cool:
  13. Hawt
  15. He didn't. Sadly
  16. i'm too lazy to find the the thread abt it again n ah; how do ya post pictures? ((also haley i love ur hair aw))
  17. Happy Halloween :) ?

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