Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. I don't see you posting on here, trying to boost your self-esteem by putting others down?
  2. Terror boy, I like to ignore emo people. I reccomend you to do same if you like your precious time. :lol:
    Let them moan :lol:
  3. Jealous* :|
  4. ;) oh they'll moan, alright.

  5. Allright im just human being sheeesshh... I make mistakes. Shoot me! ?
  6. Harmony dont make a perv out of me :lol: im very polite lil' gal... Khm..
  7. [​IMG] yay my first pic :0
  8. @star, I was gonna help you fix it :(
  9. How do I add a photo?
  10. oh really? for half an hour i tried to figure it out, i just gave up :lol: im hopeless at bb coding :( such nub much sadness
  11. Yeah, but you deleted the post before I could see you error :( sad life. Senpai Harmony has failed you

  12. Not a selfie but I don't care ???
    Finally done and it only took 15 hours! Lol my new monster of a landscape back piece!
  13. Sexy Dusty ?

  14. That looks sick
  15. Thanks! And I already found my next idea and am starting to draw it now ?

  16. I like it it looks so cool

  17. Wow 
  18. Thanks everyone :3
  19. ... Idk why but to me you look like the face of pimd lol
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