Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. Kid-bopsy indeed :(
  2. Indeed I'll be doing my good deed and give you something great to read, i'll let you feed on these rhymes, breed to my lines, and lead y'all while you stay quiet like mimes. ??
  3. Took you almost 10 mins to reply with that ?? tsk tsk. You've let your ancestors down
  4. Lets go selfies people, selfies! :-D
  5. I've narrowed it down to 3 selfies that I like >.> it's a long process ?
  6. I have let them down, might as well just be a clown, so bad my color code is brown and I've lost my crown just a lonely loser living downtown making crappy sounds for all the people around.
  7. ?what's a selfie?
  8. Me rn
  9. Faster get a sticker ;-; 

  10. Post all three :-D
  11. I get a sticker? Now this vet is richer, my impact about to be felt on the richter scale at the point where most these MC's bail but I never fail I walk up the broken trail, going fast like I'm on a rail but I'm just riding my pale, horse. rapping so fast it comes out as morse
  12. Hot!
  13. Noooo that's too many ? I'll post one later
  14. All you bb ?
  15. So many goodlooking people. Superbly jealous. 
  16. Don't be jealous. Be smooth ?
  17. Still no selfie from you :-|
  18. :( I'll post on the next page....or maybe ten more pages from now ??????? MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  19. What even..
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