Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. [​IMG] What I used to be 
  2. [​IMG] Hope this works ?
  3. Damn it too big ??

  5. There you go Hun use imgfit
  6. >.> time to hit up that pm tbh
  7. Y can't I see my pic?? Now I'm worried about which one I posted..........
  8. Cute hey devil long time no see
  9. If you post a selfie says "eww I'm a disgrace or I'm so ugly" blah blah. You're bait fishing for them compliments just stop ? Because if you really thought that why would upload a selfie In the first place ?️
  10. O
  12. Lmao!! I'm cool with that ?
  13. Y is this thing still Alive

  14. Once you learn how to spell you might figure out how why :roll:
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