Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. marry meeee. ??
  2. Cat doesnt look too happy haha
  3. At least finish high school before marriage.

  4. Took me forever to do this CherryLuv thats my hell yasssss I got it look you boo and thanks

  5. Perfection! 
  6. Rude babe, where are your brows? ?
  7. Is it bad I thought Rude was a boy :?

    Sorry :(

  8. Sew gross... I'm the ugliest Asian ever ?
  9. Yay for nose piercings :D
  10. Hmm....
  11. I agree.
  12. Ditto

  13. You're cute ........just put your tongue in your mouth 
  15. And please keep it in there

  16. what's wrong with tongues people? It's a muscle too. So you better work it.
  17. That name is great :lol:
  18. [​IMG] Ew I'm a disgrace to man kind 
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