Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. This dude creepy af
  2. one of tousands in here :D
  3. :eek: you dyed your hair?
  5. Natural ginger.
  6. I bleached it ?
  7. or nah.
  8. Soo many beautiful ppl???!!!

  9. This pic aint catfish worthy so non catfish 
  10. 
  12. 

  13. Mop head fr
  14. if it's a catfish guess I'm having fish for dinner.[/quote]
    or nah.[/quote]

    This pic aint catfish worthy so non catfish [/quote]

    Someone seems threatened or jealous ?
  15. And anyway there is no "worth" of being called a catfish, it's pretty much calling someone a fake. So if you think it's great to be called a cat fish that's your opinion  but only posted the Selfie for a joke considering 80% of the pictures on here are being marked as "catfishes"
  16. It's all to do with how you look ^. People automatically assume that "oh she's pretty" or "oh he's hot" therefore they must be catfishes. But if someone were unattractive, then no one would care, no one would say they're being fake. It's all to do with how dare attractive people be attractive, they must be fake.
  17. To prove you're not a cat fish. ?You must send me a nose selfie
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