Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. No cuz I have more to post here :(
  2. [​IMG]

    OMG I laughed so hard my coffee went up my nose ?
  3. (•ิ_•ิ) she's pretty either way

  4. I agree...
  5. Yes same  I don't see it an insult

    I wish ppl would tell me
    I look like a movie star
  6. You look like Channing ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
  7. Because I have 2 hours before my next class and have so much time on my hands I decided to do a little research. So just wondering, are you Clyde or Sean? Lololol I crack myself up sometimes. ?

  8. This is my favorite part of these threads 
  9. What a loser you are, 'clear tiger'
  10. Because he reverse searched an image? It takes literally 15 seconds.  the loser is the one too ashamed of himself to post legit pictures. ?
  11. Thx I feel kewl now
  12. Looooool busted 
  13. Where Wayne at? :lol:
  14. pride exposed
  15. ;-; Asian. I call dibs

  16. [​IMG]

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