Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. The girl from lazy town ? I think that is what it's called ? Anyone from the uk or Ireland with kids would know what I'm talking about 
  2. Kill it before it lays eggs
  3. Are you kidding me . My little sister used to watch that and i look nothing like her, she wears a pink wig and looks asian.
  4. Daw 
  5. It's just my personal opinion ? don't take offense ... Now let's go find u a sportacus ?? 
  6. Cute selfie
  7. Oh she's beautiful !
  8. LOOOOOOL that's so mean
  9. [​IMG]
    Okay Last Selfie That Ill Post, I Feel Like I Look Funny Now So...yea its my final one 
  10. 1440547857411.gif
  11. 1440547857411.gif
  12. Lmaooooooooooo she does
  13. It's the same girl, defo

  14. Cute 
  15. ??Hey. I remember the first time I saw you, that was one of the best days I have ever had. You shouldn't care about people saying who you look like. ?To me you look like you are an amazing!, beautiful!, Gorgeous! and strong women! It was around 3 pm on August 25, 2015 when I saw your new picture and when I did all I could feel was my heart? may have even skipped a beat but I ain't? no doctor so idk. But seriously Lulla you're one of the most gorgeous! Girl I've ever seen. Your eyes are just amazing!?? no matter what anyone tells you. You are Gorgeous!?

  16. Gay af

  17. Well hurro there <3
  18. (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-) (/).-)

    When just 1 face palm isn't enough (/).-)
  19. And this was cute af
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