Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. Because I dun want it to die ??
  2. After seeing these pics now I know why tigers eat their young.

    Faces for radio!!
  3. I doubt your an oil painting yourself ?
  4. You're* if you're gonna insult a troll at least use the right bloody English!
  5. Oh wow, butthurt over a miss spelling? ? I'm sorry I didn't spell the correct word mr spell check officer ?
  6. Don't flatter yourself... He/she had it right first time so before you correct someone correcting a troll do it right..

  7. AlwaysPads why are you so obsessed with her. You talk about how sad ppl are but fail to realize you're the saddest one here

    And by sad, I dont mean emotionally.
  8. Shouldn't this be locked as well????
  9. I was about to post a picture then I realize I have no idea how.. Forum Noob much? 
  10. Strong cheb game 

  11. The last time I saw a body like yours, I WAS BURYING IT IN MY BASEMENT :evil:
  12. Strong wut game? 
  13. That's not disturbing at all...
  14. Wait.. Wait... Wait.. You sorta look like a guy... Like are ya?

  16. 
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