Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1.  My noobocity needs to know how to post the picturessssssssssssssssss. ?
  2. Idk what porque is.. BTW who likes the new pre hunt

  3. Let's hope I'm not recognizable. ??
  4. It did...
  5. ? Dulululululuawk
  6. :D am I a good teach
  7. Yepp;)
  8. Each photo from her gets worse and worse I feel sorry for your bf
  9. I feel sorry for you maxipad that you have nothing better to do in your pathetic little existence than troll cherry when she posts a pic. People love her yet think you're a waste of DNA 
  10. Someone seems butthurt....
  11. Each photo from her gets worse? At least she has the confidence to post pictures regardless of judgmentel people like yourself. If you don't like her photos then scroll by them, you don't need to be a jack ass and try knock her down. Which i doubt even works cause it doesn't stop her from posting anyways, But still. If you don't like her then k that's your problem but you don't need to come on here and judge every picture she puts up.. Keep your opinions to yourself. And try learn a little respect 
  12. Support
  13. keep ur opinion to urself nub r u her lawyer?
  14. Nah.. I'm just tired of jack ass guys thinking it's alright to comment on every girls picture putting them down as if they are some sort of gods gift When in fact they are just narrow minded idiots with no respect who won't get far in life with attitude like that towards girls ?.
  15. so u hate him cuz he is not a sexy prince in horse cherry is waiting for?
  16. Damn you all are roasting this little shit good job
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