Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. It also means why i think
  2. Probably in a week or so ?

  3. I miss your selfies :(
  4.  No mas for me

  5. So anyway, porque still counts and you still didn't answer lamer 
  6. ? U change ur name
  7. I went incognito to get into the trenches ?
  8. ? But u not a female dog
  9. ? Fight fire with fire
  10. Jk lol yous a cherry not biiiiiiii......
  11. It's original ?
  12. Amusingly FemaleDog was already taken ?
  13. Lmaooooooo
    Well then ??
  14. ?why you have the sun and moon together
  15. Lots of people posting not a lot of selfies
  16. It's magical huh
  17. what happen to going to bed??
  18. Well yeah, not many post selfies. We are allowed to chat
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