Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. Maybe more people can post mirror selfies. :)
  2. I laughft
  3. #HashTagBanter
  4. Mirror selfie with my ariel wig on.

  5. Not dead until a mofy selfie :)
  6. I love the dinosaur 

    The way you look in this pic has the evil queen look on your face.

    Btw you're super pretty

  7. this uh...this didn't turn out right :| at all :lol:
  8. Wow
  9. So how the hell do I post a pic??
  10. You don't. It posts you
  11. She's legit ^
    We talk in other apps and stuff
  12. I smell catfish ?
    Edit: Naahhh 4 real?
  13. 
  14. She's not a catfish m8
  15. Well she had the ability to get free drinks at bars.
    I'm jelly ??

    Isn't it chilly?
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