Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. Goodbye, don't post anymore
  2. Beautiful
  3. I bet meagan cried in your pm  typical ... But il leave now 
  4. Thanks 
  5. I don't care if you think I am ugly. You can call me ugly if you want! ;-)
  6. Right, that post is really old. Did you type my username and then selfie thread to see if I posted here?
  7. i have been asked to leave ... Please dont give me a reason to come back !

  8. my bæ
  9. How do we post a selfie?
  10. You should totally do it 
  11. Say Whut :O
  12. Lemme just pass by and kill this thread again ?

  13. My main says hi above you
  14. Wait whaaa? o_O
  15. ?me silly
  16. Don't mind me, just lurking the selfie thread
  17. I'm Ima Lil slow shush ??? sorry meagan!
  18. you did kill it ^

  19. Don't call here ugly .
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