Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. It was suppose to be a compliment "buddy"
  2. I hate "buddy" :| and "Hun"

    both used sarcastically :roll: yuck
  3. Ok Hun, thanks for sharing
  4. This made me laugh hard lol
  5. Uralya, the person making those comments doesn't even have the balls to post a pic Hun so I wouldn't even call them a catfish lol.
  6. Heart broken and tears are flowin </3
  8. I see you guys missed me while I slept so here's a present!

  9. I like your eyes..what color are they?and don't say black or brown they look greenish...

  10. Straight hair. :)
  11. U lien they be blue ?
  12. I've missed this thread
  13. Looks like the woman from Downton Abbey
  14. I've gotten that before however, I've never seen the show. So I don't know who they're referencing me to. :/
  15. Damnnnnnnnnnn oh my gawd. *insert drool sticker*
  16. Lol cholo, thanks. :)
  17. Soo im guessin none of you have got a modelling contract yet 
  18. Joanne Froggatt.

    Can't work out how to get the image link from a popular search engine
  19. Dumb? coments from a dumb? person lol
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