Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. Beautiful.
  2. Can I haz fan sign? Will send bohemian bead bracelets :geek:
  3. Talented and beautiful
    Men, she's a keeper
  4. Keys For fansign? SELLINg keys Fot fan signs 
  5. Goodbye fume, you're not allowed in this thread. Quit posting.
  6. Quit moaning I ain't doing no harm, I'm travelling anyways.
  7. Travel your happy ass off this thread
  8. If you are asked to leave a thread you are supposed to leave and not continue posting you also were asked to leave by a moderator which means that you cannot continue posting no matter what or risk another forum ban.

  9. Meh such sad people.
    Alright you bye wally and sour cherry.
  10. Bye fume bby ?
  11. Living up to your name I see
  12. Fume, please leave the thread as asked
  13. Sorry I know the roc also I believe you're still violating 
  14. Bye bruddah
  15. Anything for you MIKE ?
  16. Still here?
  17. Anyway in keeping with my apt name and keeping this thread on topic.

    Here's a no glasses selfie I took today...

  18. And thank you Regina, you look wonderful with or without makeup!! Truly a beauty
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