Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  2. I knew you could fix it Cherry!! 
  3. [​IMG]

    When you take a selfie but your eyebrows just not feelin it

  4. Of course lovely! All you need is just the link and then put the image fit stuff you don't need all the extra junk! 
  5. Here's how I've been doing it. so what do I need to change? ?
  6. Okay...let me try that again! [IMGFIT*]link[/IMGFIT*] but without the *
  7. nuuu i cant find itt
  9. oooohhhhh 
  10. Delete everything that's not the actual http link

    Including the URL crap and the crap saying who's photobucket it is and stuff

    Just have the actual http link

    And do [imgfit*]link[/imgfit*] mmmhmm
  11. "Mmmhhmmm" lel
  12. ?I finally comprehend! Just an oldie! 
  13. ^ Damn bb. You fine.
  14. I just want a sign, preferably one that says "Añal?"
  15. I want a sign!??
  16. [​IMG]

    I am a giraffe tho. Don't judge me.
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