Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. all I want is fan signs
  2. Like brotha like sista ?
  4. [​IMG]
  5. Dayum gurl you fineee
  6. perff
  7. sorry but that's not you staph lying.
  8. 90% of these are fake pics 
  9. I'd say more 40% :?
  10. I'm a fake pic 
  11. Post one then

  12. Teh fakasttttttt :cool:

    gimme fansign
  13. I'm gonna post cholos nipple
  14. How tf do you have that :?

    I dun wanna know..
  15. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  16. Pm me Birdy and I'll post again ?

    :cool: perfect plan
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