Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. Still waiting for that fansign
  2. Thank The Lord Getting Haircut Tomorrow, No More Annoying Jokes 
  3. ? Who r u?
  4. ?Shhh
  5. Why Do People Write Like This
  6. Because We Can
  7. 769 pages ? hahahahaha.
  8. ? Dont speak for the people
  9. What If They Can't Speak..?
  10. ... What if we can ?
  11. I wish I have a green butt
  12. ...Than Speak My Child..?
  13. ? Tween pregnancy? WTF is wrong with our society
  14. Don't Speak For Others...Your Own Words, lol jk
  15. One more selfie without makeup just because I love you all.[​IMG]

  16. Why?
  17. Cool!

  18. You look lovely. 
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