Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. Okay okay! ??everyone happy?

    K, nighty night✨?✨
  2. I'm a guy and a girl ? I have multiple personalities and schizophrenia :(

    My precious

    Anyway. Where were we?

  3. Goodnight Meagan. :(
  4. Yes meagan !
  5. Goodnight 
  6. Gets a haircut, still looks like bieber ?
  7. ?
  8. Nah ?
  9. As Daniel Bryan would say....


    Rather look like justin bieber then someone wierd and ugly like Purple Aki
  10. Sorry to tell u ur ugly m8
    Gr8 str8 b8 m8
  11. Harsh
  13. nV-Adrenaline , show your selfie pic here and let's see who's uglier :) if can't do then the answer is you ... maybe you looks like your ava
  14. Just another clown.
  15.  Purple Aki.

    "Can I touch your muscles?"
  17. Cut yourself shaving bru?
  18. you guys should learn how to spell and speak english :/
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