Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. U need a dusty made beanie... ???
  2. Make me one!
  3. [​IMG]

    There is a selfie jeez ?no dusty tag yet, but I'll post another one later.
  4. One for meh too :cry:
  5. -.- fine anyone else?
  6. Me ?
  7. Order one! ?
  8. I want one but i nee a hole for my ears 
  9. Me
  10. What were you eating
  11. Are you wearing a wig?
  12. It's like an upside down hanging basket
  13. Not tryna be mean it just looks like you got a basket on your head or something  you legit have no forehead
  14. It's because I let my hair grow long
  15. Bieber 2009 haircut
  17. And i was like baby baby baby ohhhhh
  18. ?I can't wait for my haircut and those jokes to be over with ?
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