Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. Now don't you forget that Kevo
  2. Wth lolololol
  3. ily keviin
  4. .....??
  5. So many posts. ?
  6. You are loved enjoy it lel
  7. No I'm not ? I'm ugly ?
  8. She loves you Kevo, enjoy it
  9. Put on a shirt breh
  11. That's what I said...
    Ima pull a hipster mermaid on yo rear end K? K
  12. I said it first ;-;
  13. I said it first ;-;
  14. That double post doe
  15. Never, Oh Lord my dog jumped me?
  16. Lol Kevin seems like u spammed Your capture button alittle when taking them pictures

    But if that's u then do u
  17. Lol it is me but I turning on the light and taking a picture when I heard my dog push my door
  18. Your haircut says 12, your face says 17...this is confusing k
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