Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. Fine I'll show u
  2. Ok
  3. interesting
  5. You are a liar
  6. And you finally saw this
  7. ? I'm not you... confused as hell rn
  8. Holy crap, I'm legally blind... wait no I'm not. ?
  9. Sorry selfie thread for being rude will you forgive me
  10.  Girl, you gone post or nahh?
  11. Then chill out. 
  12. Im ugly too and I still posted a selfie o.o
  13. He's right :D

    jk he gave me unicorns. I like him
  14. Thank you for agreeing with me :)

    I like you too :geek:
  15. does that mean I get a unicorn
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