Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. My selfies as the evil Queen. "I shall destroy your happiness if it is the last thing I do!" [​IMG]
  3. You are not my supervisor!
  4. I am sad that I didn't get your avi yet. :'-(
  5. Should I post...
  6. Yes
  7. Not a selfie but I had my hair trimmed and dip dyed yesterday. This photo it's just been dip dyed, washed and dried but hasn't been trimmed yet. I had no idea my hair was this long! I usually have it in pony tails, buns or plats because it's so thin but I was shocked at how long it was! Almost too long for the hair dresser to reach up when combing it
  8. God DAYUMMM! Wat is that...30 inches?! :lol:
  9. LOL but hot
  10. Darth Vader?
  12. Can I get a bundle or nah?
  13. If there's a selfie thread for no make up selfies. Would anyone post their pics?
  14. I did it. I love selfies with or without. :)
  15. I love her!!!
  16. I love the way you appreciate your beauty :)
  17. DEAD
  18. Beauty is on the eye of the beholder..
  19. I would ?
  20. I don't wear makeup.
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