Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. Oprah? You been bleaching your skin girl?

  2. Lmfaooooooo mean.
  3. Dayum haha y'all are mean as hell
  4. She's cute.
  5. She's too young for you to even comment on her appearance
  6. Not working :/
  7. Watchu do?.
  8. 
  9. I know which half is drunk.
  10. Da hell is hamnerd??? Total fail ;-;
  11. Bravo :) and you are pretty
    Eyebrows on fleek
  12. You are the most beautiful girl in this thread! I'm serious! Natural beauty.
  13. Thank you for the compliment I've seen very few girls on this thread and they look very good
  14. Yush! :D very cute ^.^
  15. Sav bb.
    You do realize this is the chick you were calling a "true thot" 200-some pages ago for posting her tits, right??
  16. That's jello?
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