Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. For u Biebs

  2. Jello, where's mine? :3
  3. omg ur so kewt!!
  4. Making it now :)
  5. :lol: yeah u actually do give nuts
  6. Where's mine you ass
  7. I hate chu
  8. screw you john
  9. :roll: who's John?
  10. Omg hulky poo you're like a little toy. Gimme one k?
  11. screw you tony, I literally just laid down
  12. Pmg I meant to say cute
  13. those cheeks :lol:
  14. Lol u have to fix ur hair every selfie?
  15. Good hair doesnt come that easy ?
  16.  I know it doesn't
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