Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. Hi lovely. ?
  2. stop spying on my dog in my house
  3. Jello selfie?
  4. My selfies are ugly :cry:
  5. MY DOG

  6. Had two snakes, but my dad let them go in the yard.

    Found this little guy on my pants. Let him loose in the plants.

    Found him in the alley behind the house. Asked around but no one claimed. He's mine now and his name is zeus.
  7. Because of the close association of these words I read let him loose in my pants ?
  8. Holding a ... Snake. ? Are you stupid ?
  9. [​IMG]
    I live life to the fullest...
  10. EWWW :?
  12. Hulk, where's my fan sign? :cry:
  13. [​IMG]

    Took care of a dying bird once ?
  14. ;) Where's mine?
  15. Sign for sign? :(
  16. If I get a good hair day, I will :3

    Wait , isn't that everyday ? ;)
  17. Can I just re-post the 2 selfies I already posted

  18. No
  19. No ! You have to make me a fan sign.
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