Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. Look what I found! Pics of me shooting.:)



  2. That ass doe'_'
  3. Girll, nice pants. ;)

  4. Thank you. :)

  5. My sexy phace
  6. Wow I'd like to shoot some bullets into you

    too bad they'd all be blanks
  7. Where's the sexy part? :eek:
  8. Shoot me? :-(
  9. Cool gif. :)
  10. burn ;(
  11. Theenks I try ;)
  12. You need to try some spelling lessons. :)
  13. You are not allowed on my wall ever again ;(
  14. Aww :( I'm sorry.
  16. ? Baby, come back .. You can blame it all on me ?
  17. I can? Guuuurll I already am '-'

    Buuut I guess apology accepted
  18. Good cause I'll cut you. :|

    Jk. ??
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