Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. Yasss finally ??
  2. Oh my my it's never too late for a yummy selfie. <3
  3. 
  4. He's mine! :cry: <3

  5. Da herrrro der
  6. You're still here? :)
  7. This is still goin ?
  8. Obviously. :|

  9. Not a selfie but thought I should share this with you guys
  10. This thread is still going on :roll:
  11. Clearly
  12. You shush. :|

  14. What are we even looking at :|
  15. :-( I know when I got the trophy it was disappointing :lol: it's my taekwondo world competition an I won first and 3rd
  16. My ass is bleached. :| jk ?
  17. ;-) show me  jk that's just awkward
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