Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. 
  2. post a selfie naw
  3. NUUUU
  4. You can ask the peeps who have actually seen me. Lelz :lol:
  5. I've seen you ?
    not a first BIG impression
  6. Her boobs were...
  7. :lol: I don't know what you're talking about.
  8. [​IMG]

    My selfie for my sweet rs and good friend, Mister Bold.
  9. :( autograph please.

  10. JelloBooty you are so sweet.
  11. Thanks my beautiful RS EdnaH
    U have got the best smile in the world
    #Adorable 
  12. Thank you hun!!!
  13. Skin so light she's almost a ghost.

    No décolletage game though?
  14. Hayley we are freeing your mane!

    Don't believe the haters.

    Just because you can't post a selfie tag doesn't mean you're a faker!
  15. What's wrong with light skin? ?
  16. Who said there was anything wrong with it?

    You got a problem with ghosts? Get steppin ma'am
  17. No, nothing wrong at all ;) ?
  18. :roll: 
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