Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. Keep it going.
  2. Troll looking ass.
  4. Shush it tiny ??
  5. Sweg ^^^^^^^^^life complete 5ever
  6. I looked her up and I agree.  Some people told me that before. On that picture with my son I tried to look like Lana Parrilla from Once Upon a time. 
  7. [​IMG]


    Here is Lana Parrilla and I. 
  8. Damn

  9. U look like a living night mare  so maybe that's y they delete it lol ?
  10. The girl from Fast and Furious real name is Michelle Rodriguez. I made this picture of me and her to see if we look alike.

  11. Hes beautiful so jog on fella 
  12. Since you firing shots, where's your selfie at sweetie bumpkins? :roll:
  13. Wally is beautiful, you ignorant turd.
  14. ? had to leave my mark because I'm me. ?
  15. This genre of threads is always very popular.
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