Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. We're not dating ??
  2. Here you go nick 

    Candy stripped pjs
    gigantic bear
    =Big kid ??
  3. Be cute doe

  4. ? be cute doe
  5. ^ true dat
  6. ?? **We're not dating 'yet'
  7. Well hello there Casanova
  8. Better ?
  9. We know you win, Jo. ?
  10. The pj party? Yah I know ?
  11. She did sit on your lap sooo I mean... Yanno? ?
  12. Your saying she's a lapdancer, yanno?
  13. No matter how many times I open this seeing this picture pop up makes me laugh every single time lol
  14. [​IMG]
    Not a selfie but that moment when you pause it at a good point :lol:
  15. Like anyone would wanna date you ?
  16. Pew pew
  17. Boring anal
  18. Update:Found the bæ booty, it's hawt
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