Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. support
  2. Everyone is just so lovely ? I'm stuck in the debate of including my selfie in another one of these threads lol
  3. Can someone direct me to the pages where the drama lies? :)
  4. Post a can be on this page

  5. Not a bad idea

  6. no h8
  7. ummm..... girl or Guy?
    Don't have my glasses on sooooo a bit difficult to differ
  8. I think he meant Asian female. More female Asians

  9. I think someone has an idol
  10. No?
    Not a big fan?

  11. K.

    Not going to try to write the hyphens and underscores on my hand ?
  12. I smell catfish .....
    I'm keeedin
  13. I don't see it...:?
  14. Wow, get out Fetisha ?? ihysm
  15. I was Keedin :(
  16. Fake ss
  17. K. Selfie tag now, ya catfish
  18. Neeeh not Sexy enough to be seen
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