Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. ?you only seem me after coffee. That's why?
  2. She's hella screwable ?
  3. Love your lipstick <3 You are supes pretty?
  4. Takes a certain person to wear black lipstick, every time I do I look like a cheerleader goth
  5. I bet its a goodlooking goth cheerleader. Pshh, you look good in all your selfies. 
  6. Hehe Pup-Pup, that was before I got dolled up for dinner!
  7. Oh yes that day u were so busy. Post another one after being dolled
  8. I don't have any because things got crazy but I'll get dolled up and take one just for you ?
  9. Oh yeah I forgot the zombie before coffee picture lol.
  10. Your eyes 
  11. You're such a liar honey....  I'd post that pic of us together but a) you're hot, b) I look like a ghost next to you, c) I don't have the app and d) I never post on selfie threads
  12. thank you.. :** <3
  13. goth is cute. hahaha
  14. thanks 

  15. ?I'll post if you post ?
  16. Super jealous of all these girls that can pull of red lipstick.
  17. You and me both. I can't pull it off whatsoever ?
  18. I didn't think I could either but I wear it everyday now and it's just kinda become a part of me ?
  19. You're safe then 
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