Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 0o0xXI_Wallace_lXx0o0, Jun 14, 2015.

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  1. ??? dem lips tho
  2. ^ that's why it made me laugh looks like I have inflatable fake lips 
  3. Just a little bit :lol:
  4. Cherry you're so pretty
  6. ?getting it next time i shop for lipstick. ? 
  8. [​IMG]

    --Real Eyes--
    --Real Lies--

  9. Thank you lovely ??
  10.  besides the fact that you can't do anything with it on it's pretty 
  11. [​IMG]

    Paint Me BLACK.
  12. Cherry you are just so pretty.

  13. ??not quiet the one you have. But it's not too bad. No pink shades on this one.

    ?talking about lipstick shades doesn't Derail this right ? As long as pics are included ?
  14. Thank you ?
  15. Nope it doesn't derail! It's still a picture thread, I love lipstick but I hate the sticky ones the one I showed you is sticky 

  17. Wish I was cool like you
  18. Reveal the face (Honey) lol. Lipstick looks great on you and cherry - :)
  19. I would give you nightmares ??
  20. She's such a liar
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