selfie stuff

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by boobookiti, Feb 17, 2016.

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  1. Marry me or nahhh?
  2. Wife
  3. Forget him marry me I have health insurance it would cover my spouse too
  4. Kefo ily ? ?
  5. Bae5lyf

  6. I think pretty boy is upset I post in the selfie threads ??
  7. ^ he jealous of your beauty gurl
  8. Man what a loser. He should suck it up.

  9. Hopefully works :lol:
    Selfie 2 :?
  10. You're not wrong.
  11. Fixed
  13. You beat me ?
  14. ^^ thank you :)
  15. Don't call me pretty boy though ew
  16. I'd smash.
  17. Fast fingers ?
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