selfie stuff

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by boobookiti, Feb 17, 2016.

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  1. One epic fansign coming right up
  2. Wait doesn't that include part of 3rd Party App ?
  3. [​IMG]
  4. That's a bypass, mang. ^
  5. Just realized you made me the fs LOL
    Thanks fam
  6. How do you post picks
  7. [*imgfit]insert url here.jpg[/*imgfit]
    But remove the *
  8. First upload a picture using photo bucket or imgur then copy the link then do what she said
  9. God, Ivy is soo prettyy️
  10. Dem eyes doe
  11. I bet Megan told you? :? Now please just put your stomach away
  12. Let's play a game called, "Find the Abs" ?
  13. I don't see any 
  14. It's an unbeatable game?
  15. Dang y'all are mean
  16.  Thanks for being mean but whatever I suppose 
    To those of you that posted selfies I'm just going to be honest and say you're all very pretty 
  17. Your hair.

  18. I know right... While it breaks my heart  they are still beautiful people.
  19. Keep it positive
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