selfie stuff

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by boobookiti, Feb 17, 2016.

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  1. You make me moist ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
  2. oh hey 
  3. How you doin?
  4. Forums today more dead than my hamster Toby
  5. If it helps, I can act like your pet hamster
  6. So hot :roll:
  7. How do u resize this lol
  8. Wait for someone to do it for you
  10. LOL THX
  11. Take, please don't takane. Ty
  12. You not worth mi time ? next
    I'll penetrate that womb ;)

  13. There is your fansign
  14. A Whut?
  15. Oh okay, I see you Dom ? where's my sign? 
  16. LOL NO!!! Womb raider still lives on! ?
  17. :lol:
    Before ur link u need to put [imgfit*]and after put[/imgfit*]
    Without the asterix
    Instead of just [IMG*][/IMG]
    Dang that took a thousand edits to explain lol
  18.  My Only Queen
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