Not a bright comment... I don't like op at all and I've had this same idea. Many of you no supporters are against it simply because you'd lose all the attention, followers and many "friends" that you have. You'd get less follows, less attention and not many people messaging you. Now, I really, really, really dislike OP. I want to whoop her ass irl, BUT I've had the same idea for a while now. This way you "PIMD famous" hoes can stop complaint about alleged "creeps" adding you. People can actually avoid people with false advertisement igns... and can also avoid false advertisers. RPers would be happy and high stat players would be happy as well. Women can avoid older men pretending to be their age... we can round up the kids to report them faster, plus who wouldn't want to see a pretty smile everyday?? There would be some cons... any decent looking female would gather more attention then men, but PIMD females are much stronger emotionally and mentally than PIMD males. There's always ss, the block button, and sending tickets to ATA.
he's dumb and so is his ideas. if a noob can get off to my avatar, him seeing my face is just gonna make him blow. now i really really dislike him. not just bechese he's dumb and his ideas are dumb. but because he just doesn't know when to shut up. he just doesn't. it's like trying to turn the tv down with dying batteries in the remote. im so scared of him, ooooo. come kick my ass mr all bark no bite. you might've ran into a few people on this game that were scared but that doesn't mean i am. lmfao go away dumb ass
If somebody can get off to your face, they belong in an insane asslyum and they must be sexually attracted to the most hideous abominations. Don't contradict yourself... This thread of yours is also one of my ideas. If I'm dumb and my ideas are dumb, then why support it? I'm all bark no bite? Please run into me irl... Please, I'm begging you. History repeats itself. I hope you don't think I care that you're a female, lol. Don't get the wrong impression.
haha. i said i didn't support your dumb idea. and sure believe what you want. i sure hope i run into you. what're you gonna do? beat me? shoot me? lmfao. idc. you only talk really that's all you do. you insult people on things you've never seen or witnessed before. your entire "flow" if you can even call it that is wack. like.. move on in life. go be someone BC it seems like you rn you're just a sad, lonely young man who needs attention to keep his head up. if you're done crying about my thread about your dumb idea that no one supports go beat off somewhere
Y'all see this? I'm not declining her invitation, lol. I haven't "said" anything. You approached me acting tough on a game. You assumed I was all bark and no bite, but I hope you find out from experience. My flow has never been whack. What would you know about rap? All you do is blow virtual d!cks, lol. Im never sad over a game and I dont want yall attention, y'all literally mention me or disrespect me first, desperately seeking my attention. When I respond in a way that helps you look even dumber, you get frustrated. I also don't cry over a game. Don't tell me to beat off when you're clearly the sexually frustrated one. Your thread is based off my idea... lol. You'd be shocked as to what I've seen, which accounts are mine and who I know.
oh i'm so scared. he has bigger accounts and friends. he has to get friends to hit me bc he's so scared. i don't suck d1ck, because oof im a lesbian. wow. you approach everybody in a disrespectful way. i can't read through a thread without seeing you and someone else going at it. i assume that because you're threatening to beat me in rl bc you can't do it on this game. smh. its just a game dude.. chill out. i'm not sexually frustrated btw bc i'm also asexual. don't even like it. im so scared of a lil boy crying over a thread that is anti his dumb idea. delete the game if you cant handle a few words
For one, I haven't hit nor nor have I had anyone hit you. Most lesbians literally claim to be a lesbian after getting kicked to the curve by a guy. You've sucked dicks before. Those people you're mentioning only got mad at me, because I was interacting with a female who they constantly thirst over. I'm not threatening to beat you. I just really, really, really wish you ran into me irl and acted like this in my face. Like, c'mon now. Didn't you do your research? You thought I wouldn't show animosity because you're a girl? Lol. I'd never hit a girl first nor over words. As a matter of fact, you get the first hit. Don't be a puss now
the thing is, i've never dated a guy. never kissed one. i've had "fun" (if u know what i mean) with one before just a few times because i was really tryna figure this entire "how come i dont get aroused with women maybe it'll work with men" thing out. i have class in person. i can still act an ass and kick your ass. oo what are you 300 pounds and 6 foot? thats so scary. i believe the weakest should hit first, so you can get that first hit. i've fought both sides haven't lost or backed out. i wish someone like you would step in front of me and try something. they'd get they shit rocked. are you done? or are you done? because im tired of arguing with an idiot. how do you lock a thread that is anti his dumb asf idea?
My dumb idea? Whoever thought not making you an aborted baby, is obviously the one with a dumb idea. You have no class at all. All you do is go around blowing virtual dicks as I've stated before. You even have a virtual girlfriend yet you still add other girls for rp... and again, actions are louder than words. You are ALWAYS welcome to be a public example. The only thing you'll kick is dirt, lol. They only thing you'll Rick is yourself back and forth. I'm done when you play on some train tracks
Yeaaaaaaah my follows will decline....oh no...what will I do with life....this is my heart hurts omg...oh wait I don't have enough follows or friends even now so how would that affect me??? Ya dumb..stick to writing whatever you write and cute paragraph... atleast I read it
Then why would it be a bad idea? Give a valid reason. And don't use something stupid like "creeps," or "too many follows"
i really wanna know wtf a false advertisement ign is. this idea is one of thr stupidest ideas simply because it would drain pimd from the fun of hunts for some. what would a selfie avatar do for attacking someone? defense in sfw? or simply just hitting one of those hard limited time parties? it would do nothing. i think being able to choose your avatar is being able to express yourself through your "actions" give people a taste of you without giving them your everything. you give us selfie avatars. who is to say the duded won't post cöck pics? the women won't post provactive selfies? that someone wont do some dark stuff? why do you want this dumb idea to be alive so badly? so you can show off your ugly ass face? smh.