self harm/ anerexia/ bullemic

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Firbmthaawcmtmiw (01), Aug 19, 2011.

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  1. If you know your not anerexic then so it doesn't matter ehat others think 
  2. I'm a cheerleader and I'm not strong enough to base a flyer meaning I have to be a flyer( the girl they lift in the air) and I'm really skinny but I'm a little taller than a normal flyer so I obviously weigh more than a girl who is 5 feet and 95 pounds whereas I'm 5'5 and 108 so I feel like I need to overcompensate for my height by losing weight even though I no that's not healthy and I would never turn to an eating disorder but I'm still just insecure. I have ppl who love me but they don't get it and I just needed to vent. I think this thread is helpful
  3. Rose I no what u mean just work it and don't worry bout what ppl say as long as you are healthy it's fine 
  4. Ur not fat. Seriously ur not 
  5. Thanks for the advice sceliy i try but anerexia can kill and every day i am reminded of this thing that can kill and i might get it plus it causes arguments between my parents and i boys i like look at me pull a face and go you are so skinny i could snap you in half
  6. So what. Would u rather be anerexic ?? People used to do it to me ALL the time, it didn't help that i was tall either. U know ur not anerexic so who cares shat they think
  7. I know and i agree with you the worst thing is i tried to get help as i had looked in the mirror and thought my thighs were big and i had been putting off food then i realised what i was doing so i tried to call i helpline but my mum caught me where she shouted at me saying what it would look to her if i said i was anerexic i was so upset i went to the top of my house opened a window and stood there for ages deciding to fall or not i bailed out
  8. I'm skinny 2 ppl are always telling me I'm too skinny when I was 11 I had to wear 8-9 uniform as 11 yr old was like a dress on me(uniform)however it isn't that bad to be skinny as it means y can eat lots without getting fatand when u get older u start to get fatter
  9. Guys, it makes me so sad to read all of this. People are judgemental, and it does hurt. Just try your best to be comfortable within yourself. It can be VERY hard, but try. Try to keep the mentality that you are who you are, the people that matter don't mind, those who mind don't matter.
    It took me sooo long to finally embrace that mentailty, but I finally do. And it feels wonderful. I have lost a few friends just this past year, but I still just have a few that will ALWAYS be there for me. And that gets me through the hard nights.

    And Azosis, I said all of this on your wall, but STFU! what you said can change people's mind about finally getting help, and talking. And that is not right. Anomously sharing your feelings usually is the first step towards getting help. PEOPLE, SHARE! Know you are NOT ALONE. Depression is VERY common, as I said. Even talking to someone "across the world" helps, because it is extremely unhealthy to keep everything inside of you. ANY form of sharing helps, even if you never see or hear from that person again.

    This is from someone who has a little bit of psychology study, grew up with a psychologist, and was depressed themself.
  10. Don't listen to the 11 year old Azosis who doesn't know anything about psychology.
    I have been dealing with depression and anxiety for over 10 years. So I have personal experience. My mother is a psychotherapist. I grew up with psychology. I hve taken psychology courses myself. I don't know everything there is to know, but I know more than the average person.
    Express yourself through art, music or writing. Talk to anyone, even strangers. Don't keep it within yourself. Talk to a trusted adult, they will try to help you get the help you need. Seeing a therapist is not something to be ashamed of. AT ALL.
  11. When I was younger people told me I was way to thin!! ... They still tell me I'm so skinny but it's a healthy skinny now!! Im 5'2 and 85lbs.!!
    Which also comes in handy cause like Alina (srry if I spelled ur name wrong) I'm one of the flyers on my cheerleading team.... Kinda scary but it's fun!!... Not fun when they drop u tho. Especially during a basket toss...
    The coach changed one of my bases to an inexperience person. When we did a basket toss she wasn't fast enough to catch me and I fell..half caught by my good base, Half on the shoes of my crapy one...I was winded for a little... And had a foot shaped bruise on my back!!
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